Thursday, August 14, 2008


upto 50% off!!
screamed huge red banners in front of the mall
from diamonds set like stars in constellations,
dazzling enticingly
(supported by excellent lighting)
to make very woman with normal levels of desire go weak in her knees
(and their husband's too- afterall, stars cost the earth)
to non-stick pots that really dont cause any flutter in the heart,
everything was on sale.
It was indeed a sight to see ladies
in all shapes, sizes and styles
piling stuff into their shopping bags
as if there's no tommorow
no, as if the world would end next moment,
as if they'll never get a chance again.
and i thought all this
while standing in the long, snaky queue at the cash counter,
trying hard to pull out the credit card from my wallet;
and push handbags, sandals and clothes
into an already bursting shopping bag